Earth In Snow While It Lasts
As snow is in decline in many parts of the country, the trajectory of the models show it only worsening.
Here in Missouri, we received 3 inches, some parts even more. My neighborhood hadn't seen significant snowfall in a couple of years. As I watched the snow fall from a window, I was suddenly swept by an urgency to venture out into this world of wind n' flake, and the sting of the cold.

So out the door, off I go

Do bare trees shiver?
Big Pine Manor invites the birds inside

Christmas lights in February?
The glow of light and snow under the cover of night; Oh yes
A few days later, 60 degree temps bring the quick melt.
The day before the snowfall, my sister from Southern Illinois said that her Crocus Plants were already popping up. She keeps a seasonal journal and suggested that February might be the new March...
No surprise, as we just finished the hottest year on the planet!
Climate Change is on full display every day of every season. The vast majority of Americans now recognize and believe it's a serious threat. However, too many people are already giving up. Seeing and hearing the bad news can be demoralizing, but it's not to late to act.
The infrastructure Deal will boost Clean Energy Programs along with new jobs.
The technology of Wind Turbine power and Solar power is improving and increasing every day. Electric Cars/Hybrids are also on the rise
It won't happen overnight, but we have to start transitioning away from oil once and for all.
It's easy to contact legislators via email these days. Please take the time to show your concern and support for clean energy programs and breaking our fossil fuels addiction.
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